This Will Get Interesting
This category will get interesting. Unlike the personal finance category where I had an idea on what direction I would start with, here I do not.
Social issues interest me and more times than not, it comes down to having to much or little government involvement (politics). The problem for me, is that these things tend to get complicated. It’s easy to say the government should do this or that. Costs? Responsibilities? Yeah, that’s where things get tricky. The government has been known to get involved in certain areas and while they may (or may not) have good intentions, they tend to screw it up or just make matters worse. I got a couple things in mind to write about, but that’ll have to wait.
Since this category can be rather controversial, I should set some expectation. While I will make every attempt to be objective, I am by nature conservative. I’m also not a fan of big government. I am a believer in the free market economy, but I also believe there should be some oversight.
Well, there you have it. Social issues and politics go hand in hand, but they can certainly get complicated. Just now, after writing above, I think that will be a high level direction. Social issues, why they can be complicated, maybe some of my insights on problems with the government as it exists today, etc.
Again, this will get interesting. Let’s see where it goes..
More soon…..